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Last Update 04/22/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 22 minutes
Members 1
RX2100 Training with Dan
ROPEFLEX Full Body Workout on the RX2100

Short demo of the RX2100 wall mounted configuration presented by Dan Palacios

RX2100 Training with Dan
Live Training Session with the RX2100 and additional pulley system

Dan Palacios conducts 20 minute live training session utilizing ROPEFLEX RX2100 endless rope attachment.

RX2100 Training with Dan
Training session on a ROPEFELX RX2100 Outdoor

Dan Palacios of Kinetic Training ( performs a 35 minutes training session on the ROPEFEFLEX RX2100. Must see and for those who already have a ROPEFLEX at home or at the gym please try out the the movies Dan is presenting on this video.