Lacertosus Partnership Announcement

2007 Marked the birth of two unique and unknown to each other at the time companies. Both were spurred by the spirit of innovation and desire to address the market which looked and felt a little stale. Thus Ropeflex and Lacertosus were born. Ropeflex on West Coast of California in the heart of Silicon Valley and Lacertosus in the roaring heart of Italy's automotive industry.

It took a few more years for two companies and two founders to became aware of each other and the innovations each one was working on. While Ropeflex was initially addressing a very niche segment of the fitness market, Lacertosus took a very strategic and global approach. 

When two founders finally met face to face at the 2014 FIBO show it immediately became clear that there was great synergy and solutions from both companies strongly complemented each other. 

In 2024 we are taking our partnership and friendship further by introducing unique, proven and patented Lacertosus products as part of the Ropeflex total solution. Designed and engineered in Italy, Lacertosus products offer features and value not found anywhere else.

USA Judo Announcement
USA Judo Launches Partnership and New Member Benefits with ROPEFLEX